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Gain traction on market revenues

Updated: Jul 30, 2020

Every marketer wants to target that market growth, they are hungry for that market revenue. The secret to success lies in techniques that automate, streamline and measure marketing tasks and workflows that in turns increase their operational efficiency and gain traction on that marketing results, this technique popularly known as Marketing Automation.

As a Marketer, you have to identify the tasks related to your business and start streamlining these tasks to gain better results.

These are some of the marketing tasks that should be automated by using marketing automation techniques.

Email Drip Campaigns

Email is one of the best tactics when it comes to driving sales and driving consideration for your product.

But it has one major drawback, a single piece of email would not drive sales for you.This is where Drip Campaigns come in handy.

Drip campaigns are basically a series of automated email campaigns that will be sent to customers automatically on a schedule. These emails will be personalised according to different segments of our database. The schedule will work in a way where the first email will be sent across as soon as the customer subscribes on your website, the second set of the email will be sent( within the time range) to let the customer explore the further product range and so on.

Social Media Marketing

Social Media Marketing is an integral part of the digital marketing strategy. But the task of social media marketing can be daunting at times, the range of tasks can go unlimited starting from cross-team approvals, real-time monitoring of your mentions and managing your online reputation management, tracking your campaign results, content curation and managing your content library. Managing these tasks and managing consistency across all different social media channels is a big challenge for many companies. It's necessary to list down these tasks and streamline these tasks with social media automation techniques.

Lead Nurturing

Lead Nurturing is the process of interacting with your leads in a timely and efficient manner to convert your market qualified leads(MQL) into sales qualified leads( SQL).

It's a multifaceted approach which requires to align marketing and sales goals to act together and execute the strategies to achieve sales goals.

Here are some of the tasks which need to be automated for Lead Nurturing

  • Lead Scoring: Prioritize your high potential leads that will definitely yield you a higher ROI on your money and time spent.List down all important factors which can form your basis of lead scoring methodology.

  • Multi-channel Lead Nurturing: This technique is focused more on moving beyond email drip campaigns and using a combination of channels such as social media, remarketing, dynamic website editors, and using conversion rate optimization techniques. Streamlining these techniques to each individual leads and automating these tasks will help the marketers to invest their resources for high-quality leads.

  • Multiple touchpoints: Moving sales from top of funnel to bottom of the funnel are the most challenging task for marketers and it requires covering each touchpoint various mediums such as email marketing, webinars, whiteboards, blogs, case studies and communication with clients and your customer success team. These touchpoints across each stage of consumer funnel have to be covered in a timely manner to convert your leads into sales.

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